Deconvolution with methyldeconv
- methyl_set
A minfi MethylSet
- method
A string specifying the method. Supported methods are 'epidish', 'houseman', 'methylcc', 'methylresolver', 'methatlas'
- scale_results
Whether the deconvolution results should be rescaled. Negative values will be set to 0, and the estimates will be normalized to sum to 1 per sample. Defaults to FALSE.
- ...
Additional parameters, passed to the algorithm used. See individual method documentations for details.
A matrix with the probabilities of each cell-type for each individual. Rows are individuals, columns are cell types.
ex_data <- minfiData::MsetEx
result <- deconvolute(ex_data, method='epidish')
#> Warning: 12 NA values detected in your beta matrix. Replacing them with 0.5.
#> RPC was chosen as default for "mode"
#> blood was chosen as default for "reference"
#> Starting EpiDISH deconvolution with mode RPC ...